3 Key Steps to Turn a Setback into a Comeback!

setbacks Jul 23, 2018

We've all been knocked down a time or two, but the worst thing we can do is stay there and wallow in self pity. Today, I want to share 3 key steps necessary to turn that experience around to propel you forward!


Step 1.  Understand it has nothing to do with your capability as a person.

Sometimes, events just happens! You get knocked down, the cards are stacked in someone else's favor, you make a mistake and you immediately start to beat yourself up about it. The first step is stop feeling sorry for yourself and accept it happened. It's okay to take a few days, or however much time you need to grieve or experience whatever the situation calls for, but once that wave of emotion is past, it's time to get back to work.


Step 2.  Review the Situation

Regardless of what happened, I truly believe there is a lesson in even the most painful of experiences. Once you have spend the time necessary to move through the pain of the situation, talk to family and friends, and accept that the event occurred.  Next there needs to be a conscious transition into reflection. This involves thinking though the process, so you can learn from the experience. What can I learn from this? Why did this happen? Was there something I need to do differently to prevent this from reoccurring?

This step is CRITICAL to success. We can grow through change and pain, or allow it to affect the rest of our days.  Your results lies in your reflection.


Step 3: Plan your next step

Sometimes even the greatest fallouts can create space and opportunity to do what we have always wished for but never pursued.  Allow this opportunity to be your permission to change the course you were on, relight the flame that was once burning brightly inside you, create environment for the outcome you desire!


Every obstacle you have gone through has formed you into the person you are today, right here, right now reading this blog.  Even in your darkest moments, there is light. Think about all you have been through in your lifetime, the good, the bad, the messy, and the ugly. There has been purpose and reasoning behind it. Maybe it takes 10 years to find out the specifics, but trust the universe has your back as long as you keep moving forward.

You are doing amazing.




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